Sabbath and Such

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A new thing we have started in the past month is taking time out of our week to practice an intentional "Sabbath".  I feel like that word can mean so many things, but what I mean is time set apart to rest, relax, enjoy each other, honor the Lord, and take a break from things that are stressful, addictive or what we would consider "work".  Our house church has spent some time searching this out together recently and I have listened to a podcast and read books by two great authors, Jefferson Bethke and John Mark Comer on the subject.  The podcast is called "Fight Hustle, End Hurry" and their books are "To Hell with the Hustle" and "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry".  I highly recommend all of the above.  

What does our sabbath look like?  Well, we're new at this and still figuring it out.  So far, we have endeavored to prepare for it in the days leading up, so that the house is clean, laundry is done and there are no major chores that need to be done.  Saturday morning is spent getting the lawn mowed, outside chores done, the inside tidied, and a meal or two prepped or cooked, so once lunchtime or 2 pm hits, we are ready to sabbath for the next 24 hours or so, until the kids have cross country practice on Sunday afternoon.   

Things we don't do during Sabbath:  I turn my phone off, we don't do usual screen time (except for one episode of The Chosen each Saturday night), no chores, nothing that weighs on us or feels like an obligation. Things we do do:  Outdoor family activities like walks, picnics or disc golf, board games, singing, Bible reading and discussion, recreational reading, naps, sleeping in, special breakfast, playing with friends, art, geocaching, eating yummy, special foods, etc.

My friend, Shannon, recently gifted me with these beautiful dishes and I thought they'd be perfect the perfect, special dishes for Sabbath

We know this will be a fluid and changing practice for us, but we are so far thoroughly enjoying it.   What about you?  Does your family practice a weekly Sabbath?  What does yours look like?

Other randoms from the past few weeks:

A fun, summery, fruit card set I painted

I was delighted to find that the Nifty Nut House has an ever expanding collection of amazing Lindt chocolate flavors!  These include strawberry, neapolitan, coconut, mango, salted caramel, etc

A painting of Mt Ranier for a friend's birthday

Keenan broke his Other hand!!
He was playing tag with a friend of ours, turned sharply and started to fall.  In order to protect his broken wrist, he fell on his right hand.

(We've been spending WAY too much time at the Sports Medicine clinic lately)

No idea.  Found a random carrot on the coat rack one morning

On May 14th, Keenan and Moriah got their first dose of the Covid vaccine!

They didn't waste any time using their vaccination cards to get free donuts at Krispy Kreme ;)

That evening, Philip and I attended a "Symphony in the Gardens" event at Botanica.  There were small ensembles playing throughout the gardens and a large symphony concert at the end.  It was so fun!

Specialty cupcakes from a food truck
Mine was strawberry lemonade and his was cookies and cream (both excellent)

This area was all brand new to us since we had been to Botanica.  I loved this huge sculpture!

I don't remember seeing pansies in these colors before!

Beautiful roses

Multiple varieties of peonies

Our friends, James and Stacy attended as well

They took this one for us

The weather was beautiful and the concert was super fun!

I didn't get any great pics, but it ended with a LEGIT fireworks display!!

Moriah learned how to cut the grass this month while Keenan is unable to do it with his multiple breaks

Caleb playing with an antique piece of farm machinery while we helped our friends plant 600 tulip bulbs along their driveway

We are loving these end of school days and the weather getting nicer and warmer!

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