Posted by admin on
It’s time for Part 3 of this Easy Upgrades series (catch up on Part One and Part Two) and this time we’re digging into closet functionality a bit more.
I’ve had all sorts of different closet configurations over the years. From plastic drawers in a 6×10 dorm room, to a teensy tiny walk-in, to a built in bank of PAX wardrobes, to a closet split between rooms, which is my current situation. Each one had its pros and cons, which have led to helpful insights.
A few things I’ve come to realize about a functioning closet space are:
You’ll wear more of your closet when it’s more visible.
A tiny amount of planning can make a huge difference.
You shouldn’t underestimate the impact of matching hangers.
These all lead to a clearer sense of style and more ease in expressing it.
If those that appeals to you, let’s dig into 3 easy upgrades you can make to your closet space this year!

This can be achieved lots of different ways and definitely does not require a luxurious walk-in closet (although a gal can always dream!). A few of those ways include:
1 / Editing your closet to reduce clutter and overcrowding. A jam packed space can make it a chore to find something to wear each day, often leading to an underuse of clothing since you only wear what’s already handy. Check out my simple 5 step closet edit.
2 / Folding and storing your clothes in a way that’s easy to see them. If that’s in drawers, fold them and store them “record style” so you can see all of your options at a glance (folding demo here). If that’s on hangers try to keep only one item per hanger so nothing is buried or hidden.
3 / Keeping your shoes easily available and labelling shoe boxes so you know what’s inside. Shoes and accessories like bags can easily become dust collectors if they’re hard to access or if it’s not immediately apparent what’s inside a storage box.
4 / Adding small hooks on the inside of a closet door to hang your favourite belts, scarves and other small accessories so they’re not forgotten.
5 / If you lack closet space, a free-standing clothes rack is a really great way to create more visibility in your wardrobe. I love my Reavis Clothes Rack from 17 Stories (via Wayfair). It’s reasonably priced and once assembled it feels very sturdy and offers a great range of organization options. I have two of them now and store most of my seasonal clothing on them. I also like this rack for storing shoes.


This one piggybacks on the first tip in that it’s all about visibility.
Not only that, but you’re much more likely to wear something you might not have otherwise considered or thought of when pressed for time.
I like to organize the look on a hanger and set in on my dresser so it’s all ready to go when I’m getting dressed in the morning. I even include my underwear, socks and any jewelry.
You could also use a chair to organize your outfit for the day or even curate a mini capsule for the week.


This small upgrade might not be as exciting or dopamine inducing as ordering a cute new top, but it will cost roughly the same and have a MUCH longer lasting impact on your closet space overall. There is something so satisfying about opening your closet doors to a row of matching hangers and gives the space a boutique shop feel!
I’ve been using the same wooden IKEA hangers for over a decade now and have no complaints. I have a mix of options for different garment types but typically use the BUMERANG for tops, tees, shirts, dresses and jackets, the skirt hanger version for pants and skirts, the coat hanger for coats to help the shoulders maintain their shape. They just released a new no-slip option for silky materials, which I’ll definitely be adding to the mix.

I don’t recommend plastic, wire or even velvet hangers. If they’re too slim, yes they save some room, but they end up cramping your space and crumpling your clothes together. They can also lead to misshapen shoulders on tops and shirts. This recent article in DOMINO has only convinced me further.
If you want to get creative with how you use your hangers, there are hundreds of brilliant tutorials online. @makelifesimpler is one of my faves to follow for ideas, like this one.

I hope this post offers some further incentive and inspiration to upgrade your closet space and how you use it!
In case you missed it:
On curating a jewelry capsule, investing in sleepwear and wearing what you love.
On letting items go, prioritizing function and streamlining routines.