24 Chicken Jack Daniel’s Boneless Chicken Recipe: 1/10 Flavors

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We get the hype for 24 Chicken. Who doesn’t love fried chicken, especially when it’s tossed in some kind of glaze? And 24 Chicken gives you a whopping 10 different ones to choose one, each one tugging on flavors that you just want in your mouth. Barbecue, cheddar, even yangnyeom (which we all know and love thanks to the Korean craze)—we can eat them all. But the verdict’s out, and everyone’s favorite seems to be the 24 Chicken Jack Daniel’s flavor. So it’s this food hack’s Pokemon (because “I choose you,” get it?).

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken recipe - pepper.ph

We not only hack the spicy-savory BBQ-like sauce, but we also teach you how to get those crispy, juicy boneless chicken thighs, too! And it’s just as easy to put together as other glazed chicken recipes that you’re gonna beg us to hack all other nine flavors. (Do it enough and we just might.)

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken recipe - pepper.ph

How to Make 24 Chicken Jack Daniel’s Boneless Chicken

In a large bowl, combine milk and vinegar. Set it aside for five minutes so that it coagulates (i.e. curdles). This is essentially a cheat buttermilk, which tenderizes the chicken without making it dry.

making the

Season the mixture with salt, then add the chicken thighs. Let these soak in the fridge for an hour.

tenderizing the chicken

Meanwhile, make the sauce. Combine pineapple juice, soy sauce, ketchup, whiskey, brown sugar, honey, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne powder, Worcestershire sauce, and apple cider vinegar in a saucepot.

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken ingredients - pepper.ph

We found that the sauce differs in flavor and consistency depending on which branch you get it. (The one we got from Taft was thick and sweet, while the one we got from Makati was runny and spicy). So you can adjust the honey and brown sugar to your liking!

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken sauce - pepper.ph

Simmer the sauce over low heat until it thickens slightly, then set aside. Preheat some frying oil to 350F.

After the chicken has marinated, prepare the breading. Combine flour, potato starch or cornstarch, salt, and pepper in a bowl or tray.

making the dredge

Coat the chicken in the breading, then fry.

dredging the chicken

It should be done after three to four minutes (you’re not cooking them fully just yet).

frying the chicken

frying the chicken
Make sure you don’t overcrowd the chicken in the pan! We recommend cooking two at a time.

Transfer the chicken onto a rack or a paper towel-lined plate or tray to drain. Pierce each piece with a knife to release moisture and prevent them from getting soggy, then let them rest for five minutes.

fry test

Reheat the oil to 375F, then re-fry the chicken for another two to three minutes until golden brown. Let it rest again.

fried chicken

Toss the chicken into a large bowl with the sauce (you can save some later for dipping), making sure everything’s coated.

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken recipe - pepper.ph

Serve the chicken while hot, alongside the leftover sauce.

24 chicken jack daniels boneless chicken recipe - pepper.ph

The post 24 Chicken Jack Daniel’s Boneless Chicken Recipe: 1/10 Flavors appeared first on Pepper.ph.

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