Printable Creepy Crawly Words & Letters
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First print & cut out the words and letters. Now you have an option, you can laminate the letters like I did or not. I like to laminate, so we can use over and over. Plus you can use the letters over and over for other literacy activities.
You can use the word or letters for your child to create in a sand tray. Click here to see the full activity.
You can also put the letter in a bin with rice or beans and allow for a sensory search. Have your child count how many letters are in the word. How many have they found so far? How many left to find?
Discuss all of the letters and letter sounds as you create the words. For older kids, you can use the letters to aid them in spelling. Give them the letters and tell them the word they are spelling. Now let them create the word with the letters.
How is this educational? This lesson involves Sensory Play, Math, Science & Literacy.
Click here to download B-U-T-T-E-R-F-L-Y-Letters-WordClick here to download INSECT-Letters-Word
Click here to download ARACHNID-Letters-Word
Click here to download SPIDER-Letters-Word
Click here to download BEE-Letters-Word
Click here to download ANT-Letters-Word
Click here to download FLY-Letters-Word
Click here to download BUG-Letters-Word
Click here to find more insect themed activities.
XO Eryka