Fern’s Freebie Friday ~ FREE Family Pets Dog Coloring Page!

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This free dog printable would make a wonderful display for a lesson on OUR FAMILY PETS. The students could color or paint the dog a color of their choice, then they could cut it out and glue to a piece of construction paper and fill in the background, or even draw themselves with their "NEW DOG!" 
This free dog printable would make a wonderful display for a lesson on OUR FAMILY PETS. The students could color or paint the dog a color of their choice, then they could cut it out and glue to a piece of construction paper and fill in the background, or even draw themselves with their
Once your students have done the mini-art activity, have a quick brain storm session about your students' previous knowledge about different types of Family Pets! Create an entire class anchor chart listing everything they might tell you, fish, cat, turtle, horse.... I live in the middle of the country.... cow, pig, etc. are also common! ♥

You can then extended this lesson by having your children write about a new family pet that they would like if there were no limits on money or shelter. A camel? A giraffe? You will love their creativity!
This free dog printable would make a wonderful display for a lesson on OUR FAMILY PETS. The students could color or paint the dog a color of their choice, then they could cut it out and glue to a piece of construction paper and fill in the background, or even draw themselves with their

FREE Color For Fun - Friday the 13th Black Cat Printable from Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!

These adorable dog and cat pagers are from this resource
Family Pets Coloring Pages - 40 Pages of Family Pet Animal Coloring Book Fun!
You will LOVE the 40 Family Pets Coloring Pages that come in this Family Pets Coloring Pages Resource! Terrific for a daily coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a FAMILY PETS COLORING BOOK for your students. Your students will ADORE these Family Pets coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute Family Pets graphics! Your students can also draw in a Family Pets background and write about their coloring book page on the back. Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their Family Pets creative writing lessons! Add it to your plans to compliment any Pets Unit! Download these 40 Family Pets Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Family Pets Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!
Ideas To Use Coloring Page Resources
{Other Than Just Plain Coloring for FUN!}
Pre-K to First Grade
  • Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
  • Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
  • Coloring pages are great story starters.
  • Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
  • Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.

Second Grade to Sixth Grade

  • Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
  • Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
  • Use a coloring page as a story starter.
  • Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
  • Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
  • Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.

This Family Pets Coloring Pages Resource is a perfect supplement for teachers who use the Journey's Reading Program. Other great classroom reads that it would work well with are:

{Please see my full disclosure page for more details, but if you click and purchase any of the above books, at no extra charge to you, I will receive a small amount of the purchase from Amazon to help with the cost of this blog.}

List of Printables in the Family Pets Coloring Pages.
Dogs - 10
Cats - 7
Fish - 2
Horse {or Pony} - 2
Rabbit {or Bunny} - 3
Snake - 2
Pig - 1
Snail - 1
Bird - 4
Swan - 1
Turtle - 2
Spider - 2
Frog - 2
Mouse {or Rat} - 1
40 Pages Total!

Free Printable Directions for Doggy, Doggy, Where's Your Bone? from #FernSmithsClassroomIdeas
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