Encouraging Loving Words for Kids

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loving words of affirmation for kids

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual but this loving words for kids printable will help as a parent aide. Learn about your child’s love language and instantly download these words of encouragement for kids to build self esteem and intrinsic self affirmation.

Loving Words for Kids

Loving words of affirmation for Children

While parenting is not linear and sometimes a + b does not always equal c, it is nice to have a guide to remind us how to parent well and how to parent form the heart.

The Five Love Languages

What are the Five Love Languages? Whether learning about the heart of a spouse or your kids, author Gary Chapman teaches us there are multiple ways to fill the loved tank of our family members. The “5 Love Languages include Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.  You can learn more about your love language, your spouses love language and your child’s love language by taking a Love Language Quiz.

Inside every child (and adult) there is an emotional love tank. Focusing on filling your child’s love tank allows them to find fulfillment in the home instead of looking for it elsewhere and in the wrong places. It is important that parents learn how to love children and that can easily be done with a prompt providing loving words of affirmation for kids.

Loving Words of Affirmation for Kids

Wouldn’t it be great if parenting came with a manual? After five kids I still am trying to figure things out. Of course, each new age comes with challenges too, so just when you have things somewhat in a good flow, a hiccup occurs.

loving words of affirmation for kids

While, there is no parenting manual, we hope this loving words printable will be a visual reminder for encouraging your kids. I personally hung my words of encouragement printable in the medicine cabinet of my bathroom. This gives me a daily reminder of my tongue and how I can encourage children with words.

These loving words of encouragement include the following phrases…

Words of Encouragement for Kids

  • I love you!
  • I’m glad I’m your mom (or dad!)
  • My day isn’t complete without a hug from you.
  • I admire your hard work!

Children often want the simplest of things. They want to be loved, appreciated, and cared for. Through words of affirmation, you can show your children you love them, not only through actions, but by saying what they are longing to hear. Taking the time to voice your love builds strong, self-confident kids who know how to express their love to others.

Notice that these phrases above have I/my statements. In addition to making personal statements, try changing some of these phrases by replacing with alternative pronouns. Teach your children to have pride in themselves so sometimes their reward is intrinsic instead of external (form you.)

For example, try these replacement phrases to increase intrinsic motivation words of encouragement for kids…

Intrinsic Self Affirmation

  • Instead of “I’m proud of you” try “You should be proud!
  • Instead of “I admire your hard work” try “You worked very hard to _____
  • Instead of “You did great” try “You came up with a thoughtful solution and really nailed that math problem.

Play with these sentences and try to change them a little by adding specific and descriptive comments to signal you have paid attention and you really care. See how your child’s self esteem grows and if your words are effective in promoting desired behavior​s.

Loving Words Printable

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How to Print at Staples

I have a video to show you how I print my PDF documents at Staples. You can easily print at home or Sign in or create a Staples account and follow my steps on the Staples Printing Service Page.

Discipline Through Words of Affirmation

While the word discipline and the phrase words of affirmation don’t seem to go hand and hand, it is possible to discipline your child through their love language. Our words of affirmation printable does not include discipline.  However, I do want to share with you a resource we use in our home. Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard.

Ginger Hubbard Don’t Make Me Count to Three

If you loved Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages of Children, look at this book companion. In the book Don’t Make Me Count to Three, Ginger Hubbard encourages and equips moms to reach past the outward behavior of their children and dive deeply into the issues of the heart. Instead of feeling discouraged or angry, look at poor behavior as an opportunity to grow the word of God on your child’s heart.

Heads up, spankings are used in this book, so adapt what you want to your own parenting style. While I am a former teacher and have studied Conscious Discipline (no spanking) this book taught me a lot about tying my discipline to the heart and the word of God. In fact, I was missing the book a lot time and asked my husband where it was. It was in his backpack as he was reading it during his free time. I didn’t even prompt him to look at the book I had picked up on Amazon a few weeks prior.

Wise Words for Mom

Not into chapter books? I encourage you to pick up Wise Words for Moms. We have this hanging by our calendar in our Family Command Center.  You can use this companion without the book, it really is a must for using words of affirmation and scripture during discipline.

Wise Words for Moms is a calendar-sized chart, designed to aid you in using the Scriptures to drive out the foolishness that is bound up in the heart of [your] child (Proverbs 22:15). It is a tool for your personal research of the Bible for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training your children in righteousness.

Our Pinterest community and I would love to see how this worked out for you. Share your final loving words for kids printable.  Leave a comment and/or add a photo here on Pinterest!

Hey mom! We got ya, we get ya! We know you are a busy lady. Get yourself orgnaized with this Busy Mom Binder! (Pin to Pinterest)

Quote from a buyer – ” Oh my goodness! This makes my mama heart so happy. After every page I thought “this is perfect, I wish it had xyz”… and then it showed up!


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