What is Magnesium Oil Spray? Why You Should Use It, and How to Make It Yourself at Home

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NOTE: This article is about the health benefits of magnesium for your body, the best way to take your magnesium, and how to make your own magnesium oil quickly and easily. You’ll save a lot of money too!

I love magnesium! That may sound strange....but there was once a time I never gave magnesium a thought. Maybe you’re like I was?

The thing is, when you start learning about one thing, other things pop up to learn about, and that is how I discovered why using magnesium oil is so important for your entire body health and just how easy it is to make.  

After giving Magnesium Oil a try, using it daily for nearly a year, I am a true believer.  I started out using Ancient Minerals, a very high quality brand. They obtain their magnesium from the Zechstein Bed in Europe, about 1200 meters below the surface of the earth. The purity is excellent, and potential contamination from pollutants is not a concern.  

But then, I thought, like I often do: "Can I just make my own magnesium oil?"  

The answer is YES!  I, and anyone else who is interested, can absolutely make their own!  The key is in the type and quality of magnesium you use.

You may also be interested in these articles on another important minerals:

What is Calcium, Why You Should Supplement, and How to Make Your Own Calcium Powder from Eggshells. Also: 7 Ways to Use Calcium Powder.  

Did you know that 80 to 90% of Americans are deficient in magnesium? And that magnesium is necessary for over 300 human body processes? Find out what is magnesium oil, why it's the best way to get your magnesium supplement, how it will help you, and finally, easy directions for how to make your own magnesium oil!

Did you know that 80 to 90% of Americans are deficient in magnesium? And that magnesium is necessary for over 300 human body processes? Find out what is magnesium oil, why it's the best way to get your magnesium supplement, how it will help you, and finally, easy directions for how to make your own magnesium oil!

FTC Disclosure: There are affiliate links scattered throughout this article, and if you click through and make any kind of purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Does the Kind of Magnesium You Take Matter?

YES! It sure does. 

There are nine different sources of magnesium, and for many folks, two of the most popular may be the types found in Milk of Magnesia for upset stomach (magnesium oxide) and also in epsom salts for soaking muscles (magnesium sulfate).  

The other types are also fairly common.  The sad thing is, even though magnesium is commonly found in numerous foods, over 80 percent of people in America are actually deficient in magnesium.  This includes children. 

There are lots of ways to obtain magnesium, but my personal favorite is to make (or buy) a spray of magnesium oil. Using a magnesium oil spray to get your daily magnesium is the most effective way to supplement your body for health.

Since your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it is well-known to soak up anything you put on it topically (and this includes your magnesium), the spray method is fast, easy, and you don't have to make much of an effort or think too hard... Yes, I try to make my life easier in any way I can!   

Magnesium Oil requires magnesium chloride to make.  You can purchase pure Magnesium chloride flakes from many reputable sources.  I purchase mine from Amazon, and I do make sure they are pure---from the same Zechstein bed as the popular Ancient Minerals brand in fact!  

You cannot use epsom salts to make magnesium oil---this is a completely different type of magnesium compound.  

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What is Magnesium Oil Spray and How to Use It?

Magnesium Oil is not actually an "oil."  When you mix the magnesium chloride with water, the resulting liquid feels slightly oily, but it is not a true oil. It soaks into the skin completely, and you may experience a whitish residue if you use too much.  It will not make your skin oily either.  

In fact, you should expect to feel a good "tingle" on your skin when using magnesium oil, especially if you are new to using it.  This tingle lessens after using magnesium oil for a while.  I have read that people deficient in magnesium feel more of a tingle than those who are healthier in this area.  Source 

Here is a bottle of my magnesium oil. I've been using it for over 6 weeks, and honestly, I like it just as much as the more expensive Ancient Minerals brand.

Here is a bottle of my magnesium oil. I've been using it for over 6 weeks, and honestly, I like it just as much as the more expensive Ancient Minerals brand.

Why Do I Need Magnesium Oil: Benefits of Magnesium Oil

Magnesium is an essential mineral that our body must have in order to function.  We can't produce it on our own, so we need to take it in some form.  Luckily, magnesium is found in many healthy foods, especially spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, almonds, dark chocolate (YAY!), and more. But, even though magnesium is a common mineral, over 80% of people in America are deficient!  80 percent!  Yikes! 

Here are some reasons why magnesium will improve your life and health:

1) Magnesium is necessary for over 300 known chemical processes in our human bodies.  

2) Helps with digestion and excretion---improves constipation

3) Helps lower blood pressure, as it is a necessary mineral for the proper functioning of the heart

4) Magnesium helps increase bone mass---in fact it works synergistically with calcium to ensure proper bone growth

5) People with higher levels of magnesium in their bodies tend to not develop diabetes, at least not as quickly---and quite possibly Type 2 diabetes may be able to be reversed with the aid of additional magnesium

6) Magnesium helps with sleep and relaxation.  I can personally attest to this, in fact.  When I remember to spray my magnesium oil before bed, I notice a marked increase in the quality of my sleep!  I no longer forget... lol!  I love my sleep!  

7) There is evidence that higher magnesium levels may help with respiratory function and aid in reducing the symptoms of asthma.  

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Click here for more information and get your home apothecary created with support!

How to Make Your Own Magnesium Oil:

This is really the easiest thing I make!  I'm serious!  Here is how to do it. 

Ingredients for Magnesium Oil

1)  1 cup Distilled Water

2) 1 cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes

3) Amber Glass Spray Bottle or two

4) Optional:  Essential Oils

Directions for Making Magnesium Oil:

1) Pour the water and the magnesium flakes into a pan.

2) Heat until the magnesium flakes are completely dissolved into the water.  

3) Remove from heat.  IF you want a scent or additional action from essential oils, go ahead and add a few drops of these now.  I like to use Lavender essential oil or a good blend, like Calming Blend from Rocky Mountain Oils or the Meditation blend from Organic Aromas.  

4) Once the liquid is cooled, bottle it up in spray bottles. 

** Feel free to cut the recipe in half, because this actually makes quite a large amount to bottle up.

**NOTE:  You may feel a good "tingle" when first using magnesium oil.  This will lessen as you use the oil daily.  I have heard that people with a greater magnesium deficiency will feel more of a tingle than those who are less deficient.  

Here is a helpful tip for using magnesium oil spray and reducing the "tingle":  Apply to fattier areas on your body--like your thighs, buttocks, torso.  You will feel less of a tingle in these areas than in your extremities. Don't worry--This tingling does go away. 

This is just a picture of the water mixed with the magnesium chloride flakes right before I poured it into the amber glass spray bottle.

This is just a picture of the water mixed with the magnesium chloride flakes right before I poured it into the amber glass spray bottle.

Final Thoughts About Magnesium and Making Your Own Magnesium Oil Supplement

I'm so very glad I learned about how helpful magnesium oil is. Since I've been using it, one of the biggest things I've noticed is how much better I sleep.

Using magnesium oil may also be one of the reasons my high blood pressure has normalized without medications, too---but I am not sure of that. There has certainly been a correlation between using it and my blood pressure reading, though.

The thing is, so many of the processes that take place in our body are invisible, silent, and unknown to us. It's not unusual for a person to not know when something has been going wrong until an organ failure happens. Taking my magnesium has become just one of those good things I do for myself daily! 

What do you think? Have you tried making or using magnesium oil?  What is your experience?  I'd love to know any other insights you have had with this!  :-) 

Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance!


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Disclaimer:  I am NOT a medical doctor or medical professional.  I simply provide my own personal advice based on my experience and study for ways I live a healthy and natural life.  Please consult with a medical professional for any health issues.  In no manner is any verbiage in this article or elsewhere on my website meant to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any health issues.  Thank you! :-) 


Mercola.  This deficiency can be harming your health.

Magnesium: Why You Need It  

Magnesium Rich Foods  

Can You Absorb Magnesium From Epsom Salts?

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