Weekend Entertainment: 29 May 2020
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We’re getting deeper into the home stretch with just two weeks left of our school year after today. I feel like I’m behind as I usually have all of our books ordered for the next year by this time, but I think “behind” is a permanent state of being for me these days. It’s not bad spreading the purchase of books out, though, right? That just means I have a longer range of opportunities to get happy mail.
On to the links!
For 67 Days She Put Well-Being Before Grades & Learned How to Fly “The rules, standards, and the expectations society has set for us and for our children are not always in our best interest.
They do not take into account individual strengths, struggles, limitations, interests, and passions.
They do not spark internal motivation.
They do not lead to meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
They do not forge unity and cultivate compassion.
Therefore, we must build, assemble, and nurture places to thrive with our own two hands.
We must not wait until the water warms up to do the work.
We must dive in, knowing it’s necessary to abandon what hinders us in order to embrace life and live love.”
How to Stay Focused on the Good “If I thought more stuff would make me happier and would ultimately resolve my discontent, I would be mistaken. If I was discontent with my life before, I will eventually be discontent later—even after acquiring the desired item. If, as humans, we believe a greater level of happiness can be discovered by simply acquiring something new or changing our circumstances, we will always be disappointed. Our internal voice will never be satisfied in this way. In this way, both inwardly and externally, discontent is continually being stirred up in our heart and mind and soul.”
Altrasonic White Ceramic Aromatherapy Diffuser for Essential Oil I finally broke down and picked up a second essential oil diffuser this week as I was tired of carrying the one we have up and down the stairs twice a day. This one arrived yesterday and it’s so pretty!
Free Printable Vintage Science and Nature Flash Cards These are beautiful!
From the blog…

Custom Homeschool Planner Covers with AnnaVancePaperCo This week I waxed poetic about how much I love my homeschool planner from my friend Anna, but I also announced that she and I have joined forces and I made a few cover designs for her planners!
(2019) Our Favorite Nature Hike Gear Charlotte Mason said in Home Education, “Let them once get in touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life…” Here is a list of some of our favorite nature hike gear for longer day hikes!
(2017) Monthly Meal Plan: June 2017 Suggestions for meals in the month of June, if you’re into that sort of thing!
(2013) B’s Favorite Things: May 2013 Five of my son’s favorite things from the tender age of two.
(2012) Art History for Toddlers I naturally introduced my kids to fine art at a very young age. This was a simple and fun way to do it.
Have a lovely weekend!
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