The Savvy Mom’s Guide to Back-to-School Shopping

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Three kid-friendly tips for getting your family outfitted in style for the new school year.

Even with the unusual school year we are prepping for, smart moms know they need to stay on top of Back-to-School shopping. Take if from me, don't wait until Labor Day weekend to start back to school shopping--now is the time to make a plan. We put together tips for getting families prepped and organized for for the new school year with a special set of video segments.

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It’s an especially stressful back-to-school season, but there are a few things you can do to make it seem normal, and dare I say it, fun for your kids.  Whether school is in session in the classroom or in your home, we have come up with three ideas on how to prep for this wild school year.

Stock up and Give Back with Kleenex 

Whether kids are in the classroom or using an at-home workstation this year, hygiene is key. As the top requested item on school supply lists, Kleenex Ultra Soft tissues provide a touch of comfort and protection for all the expected and unexpected moments this year will bring.  We stash them in every room of the house AND in our cars. If your school is one of those with in-person classes, it's a great support to teachers to help them with supplies like Kleenex.

Kleenex knows teachers are the unsung heroes in all this. To help them stock up on supplies, this year Kleenex brand is donating up to $1.2 million to support requests from our teachers on the education nonprofit crowdfunding site DonorsChoose so check out

Nutritious Seafood Meals Ready in a Flash

Most of the moms I know are feeling like short order cooks. With dine-out options being REALLY limited, we're all cooking more than ever. When kids head back to school it's important to start creating a schedule that you can stick with. We want the kids to eat healthy dinners while not overtaxing mom.

If your kids are learning from home you need to keep meals and snacks as scheduled as possible. That means cutting down on the prep time for meals. We love to have easy, nutritious options on hand to make mealtime prep much quicker. I love that SeaPak created a kid-friendly seafood option for the frozen food aisle. These are fun shaped, protein packed shrimp nuggets that offer quick and stress-free meal options for families who like to have fun with their food! Head here to find a store near you that carries these tasty bites.

Let's Get Creative

Besides staple supplies like tissues, notebooks and tech the kids need for their studies, I recommend setting up your home for success and make it place that encourages learning- and have the kids help. Michaels offers a wide range of essential BTS items including supplies for students, parents, and teachers, all under $25. I have sourced cool supplies like bulletin boards, planners, organizational supplies, storage and more all from Michaels. 

What I love most is you can utilize their contactless, Same Day Delivery for online orders or curbside pickup for everything you need. Head to to start your shopping.

And don't forget about art class! Getting creative with your kids can happen even when they don't attend art class in school.

A Different Back to School Season

As you can see from our picks, now is the time to get creative and make this the best back to school season yet. I say: keep as much normalcy as possible. Get your supply lists and have fun picking out what the kids need and shop online to avoid the stores. And don’t forget some back to school fashion clothes and accessories shopping- even if you kids aren’t leaving the house! It keeps the fun in going back to school, no matter where “school” is.


  1. Printable gratitude activities for kids
  2. Create a cozy reading nook for kids
  3. Toddler Puzzles and Sorting Games


Need more ideas on what to do with the kids? Be sure to follow our Activities to Do with the Kids board on Pinterest here.

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