Spanish Plant Vocabulary and Activities
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Las plantas is a short video conversation about plants in Spanish. Juan and Pamela talk about planting seeds to introduce Spanish plant vocabulary. Watch the video and try the listening comprehension questions below.
In addition, be sure to check out our Spanish Videos resource page for other fun videos and more listening comprehension activities. You’ll find over 150 videos to learn Spanish on the Spanish Playground YouTube Channel.
Find free listening activities for more of our easy Spanish conversation videos here: Spanish Listening Practice and Activities.
Pre-Listening Activities
Before I watch videos with my students, we predict what information the video will include. To do this, you can tell students the general topic is coffee and ask questions such as ¿Tomas café? ¿Alguien de tu familia toma café? ¿Cómo es el café? (color, temperatura, sabor, etc.) ¿En qué países crece el café?
Learn Spanish Plant Vocabulary
With my students, I usually watch videos all the way through once before doing activities. If you are assigning the video for remote learning, encourage students to watch once before trying answer the questions. Our easy Spanish conversations videos are short and comprehensible. Students will understand a lot the first time. In addition, watching the whole video provides important context that helps them understand when they watch a second time.
You can watch the video below or on YouTube: Plants in Spanish | Easy Spanish Conversations | Las plantas.
Vocabulary for the Spanish Plant Video
Many of the words will be familiar, but these words are specific Spanish plant vocabulary. You may want to do pre-viewing activities to teach these words if your students haven’t heard them before. See Listening Activities You’re Not Doing (But Should Be) for suggestions of narrow listening activities that incorporate vocabulary.
la planta – plant
el tallo – stem
la hoja – leaf
la flor – flower
la raíz – root
las semillas – seeds
la maceta – pot
la tierra – soil
sembrar – to plant
regar – to water
Comprehension Activities for Spanish Plant Video
Get the printable Spanish Plant Vocabulary Video Comprehension Questions.
First, learners match vocabulary words to pictures. Students may be able to do this without watching the video again. If so, when you watch again, they can check answers or fill in any they didn’t answer.
Next, learners identify which speaker said the phrase.
Finally, there are a few additional questions about the video content and personal questions related to plants.
We hope this video and the questions are useful in class, for families and independent learners. We appreciate your feedback, so let us know how they work for you in the comments below.
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