Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony
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Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony
One of the most popular posts on my site it the Simple Indoor Opening Ceremony. This is a very basic ceremony to open your den, pack, or other meeting. But what to do at the end? A closing flag ceremony of course!
Below you will find a closing flag ceremony which is respectful, but is still simple enough for Cub Scouts to carry out.
Simple Closing Flag Ceremony for Cub Scouts
The leader can be a member of the den (preferred), a Den Chief, or an adult leader.
Leader: “Color Guard, Advance”
The Color Guard goes to the front of the room and stands next to the flags, with the same number at each flag.
Leader: “Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors. Scout Salute”
The Color Guard removes the flags from their stands and proceeds out of the room double-file as shown in the diagram. Those in uniform do a hand salute. Everyone else places their hand on their heart.
Leader: “TWO. Color Guard dismissed.”
Everyone stops saluting.
- The US flag should always be on the right side of the procession and should never be behind the other flags.
- It is appropriate to salute any time the US flag passes and until it is out of sight.
- The command “Two” means to stop saluting.
Related Resources for Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony
Simple Indoor Opening Flag Ceremony
This is a very simple opening flag ceremony for Cub Scouts to use at Den and Pack meetings.
How to Fold the US Flag
Folding a United States Flag is not difficult. Even younger Scouts can learn how to do it.

A Simple Flag Retirement Ceremony
If you have a flag which is too worn for service, you can use this ceremony to retire it.