Puzzles and Printables
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Puzzles and Printables
Puzzles make learning new concepts more fun. They are also a good way to reinforce ideas which Scouts might be starting to forget.
Find some puzzles, fortune teller templates, and more printables below.
Have you created a puzzle or printable which you would like to share? Contact me and I’ll share it here.
Environmental Science Crossword Puzzle
Constitution Puzzle – Word Search
Chess Terminology Scramble Puzzle
Scouts BSA Basics Crossword for Webelos and Scouts
Environmental Science Crossword Puzzle
This environmental science crossword puzzle contains 19 words and definitions related to environmental science. This vocabulary is specifically needed for the Environmental Science merit badge, but it is also appropriate for any topic related to conservation.
Soccer Word Search Puzzle
This soccer word search puzzle can be used as an introduction to any soccer or sports themed meeting or event. The word search has 30 soccer vocabulary words. (See below). A key is also provided.
Values Crossword Puzzle
The 12 Core Values of Cub Scouting were replaced by the 12 points of the Scout Law a few years ago. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still use the core values as examples of good values. So use this…
Constitution Puzzle – Word Search
This constitution puzzle is a word search which contains words and phrases related to the United States Constitution. Use it with your citizenship requirements.
Chess Terminology Scramble Puzzle
This is a word scramble puzzle to reinforce the meanings of some chess terms.
Scouts BSA Basics Crossword for Webelos and Scouts
A crossword puzzle for Webelos working on their Arrow of Light award or for new Scouts BSA who are working toward their Scout rank. This puzzle has clues from the Scout oath, law, motto, and slogan.
Bicycle Safety Crossword Puzzle
This simple bicycle safety crossword puzzle introduces bike safety concepts. Use it to start a discussion about safe cycling with your Scouts. It includes a list of words to use in the puzzle.
Scout Law Word Search Puzzle
The Scout Law is the same for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers. So learning the Scout Law is important across age levels. This word search puzzle would make a fun warm up or gathering activity for any meeting focused…
Astronomy Word Search Puzzle
This astronomy word search puzzle features space exploration terms. Use it as a gathering activity at a space themed meeting or for an astronomy related achievement.
Printable Fortune Tellers
History of the United States Flag Cootie Catcher or Fortune Teller
Barb sent in this template and instructions for making a cootie catcher make a history of the US flag cootie catcher to help Cub Scouts. A cootie catcher, also called a fortune teller, is an origami construct which can be used to ask and answer questions.
Kindness Fortune Teller
I needed a couple of activities for a recent meeting based on the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme. So one thing we did was make kindness fortune tellers (also known as cootie catchers.)
Bingo Games
State Capitals Game: Bingo Cards
One theme for teaching citizenship is the Fifty Great States theme. This state capitals game with bingo would be a fun game or gathering activity to go with this theme. You can play this game with states or capitals on the bingo cards or the call cards. You can choose which combination of bingo cards and call cards you would like to use. A video explanation is also available.
Halloween Bingo Cards
If you are looking for a fun gathering activity for a den meeting or pack meeting around Halloween time, try these printable Halloween Picture Bingo Cards.
Bingo Cards for Scouts BSA (Boy Scout Bingo)
These Scout bingo cards help familiarize Scouts with the Scout Law, Eagle required merit badges, some of the fun adventures they can look forward to, ranks, and more. Use them with Webelos who are getting ready to cross over to a troop or with new members of your unit.
Other Printables
Compliment Cards Coloring Pages
This is a gathering activity I made to go with the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme. These are blank printable coloring sheets for making compliment cards. The Cub Scouts can color them. Then they cut them apart and give them to people they would like to compliment.
Constellation Matching Game
This constellation matching game printable will add fun to any astronomy focused meeting or achievement. It will also familiarize youth with some of the constellations. The drawings behind the constellations will help them understand why they are named for people or animals.
Thank You Note Template for Thanking a Special Person
It is really important for kids to learn how to say “Thank You”. Gratitude is something which needs to be taught, and Cub Scouts is a perfect forum for doing this.
Family Tree Template
Helping Scouts look back at their family heritage fits in with the Turn Back the Time program theme. Scouts can download this printable family tree template to write in their family back to their great grandparents.
First Aid Baseball Game
First aid baseball is a fun way to review first aid skills with Scouts BSA and Webelos. There are instructions for the game and a set of question cards included in the printable file.