Easy Class Gift Ideas
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The end of the year is quickly approaching! Do you have your end of the year gifts for students ready? Sending students off to summer vacation with a little something special is absolutely not necessary, but it can be something fun to do! Here are 10+ easy class gift ideas your students will love!
Easy & Inexpensive Places to Grab Student Gifts
If you're on the hunt for inexpensive student gifts, these are great places to start!
- Target Dollar Spot (Bullseye's Playground)
- Oriental Trading
- Local Dollar Tree/Dollar General
- Amazon
- Local Dollar Store
Easy Gift Ideas with Gift Tags

Here are some easy and inexpensive gifts that pair with cute tags. Even a small gift is so special to students!
This Year Flew By – Paper airplanes, mini kite kit, bubble wands
Thanks for Making This Year Chalk Full of Fun – sidewalk chalk
You Will Glow Next Year – Glowsticks
We Had Such a Silly Year – Silly string, crazy straws
Hands Down Best Year Ever – hand clappers, sticky hands
Jump for Joy, It’s Time for Summer – Jump ropes
This Year Was a Ball – Beach balls, Bouncy balls, smiley face stress balls
Take Note This Year Was Great – Note pad, Cute pen or pencil
This Year was Poppin – popcorn, pop-it, gum
Here’s to a Sweet Summer – candy, individually wrapped cookie/sweet
Write a little personal note to each student on the back of the gift tags to send them off to summer break after an amazing school year together.

End of the Year Gift Tags
If you plan on giving your students end of year gifts, these colorful and cute end of year gift tags are the perfect addition! The gift tags have a cute phrase paired with an image to match. These gift tags are the perfect touch to add to an end of the year gift.
Other Easy Gift Ideas

Classgram makes the perfect and easy end-of-year student gifts! You can individualize them for each student or create the same one for everyone! Print the pages to distribute to your students as a class yearbook and pass them out at your end-of-year celebration or last day of school.
An end of year memory book is a great project to do in the last weeks of school when you're looking for fun things to do. Use this printable or digital memory book template for morning work, fast finishers, station work, or just for a great activity for the end of the school year! It will be something they can keep forever to remember the year.
The memories you and your students have created are the most important gifts. Make this your focus, and you'll be sure to end this time of year on a positive note!”
I hope you were able to grab some inexpensive gift ideas for this time of the year! End of the year gifts for students are a special way to send off your class to summer vacation.
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The post Easy Class Gift Ideas appeared first on Teach Create Motivate.