Displaying the US Flag with Other Flags

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displaying the us flag

Displaying the US Flag

The US Flag is the symbol of our country. Scouts should know how to fold it, fly it, and handle it.  Flag etiquette is part of many of the Scout requirements. In many cases, the rules are pretty straightforward. But in other cases, you just need to know the rules. For example, it gets more complicated when you are displaying the US flag with flags from other nations.

The United States flag is an important symbol of our country and represents the values and principles that make our nation great. However, there may be times when the US flag needs to be displayed alongside other flags, such as during international events or ceremonies. In such situations, it is important to follow proper flag protocol to show respect and honor to all flags being displayed. In this article, we will discuss the protocol for displaying the US flag with other flags.

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Displaying the US Flag with Other Flags

Order of Display

The US flag should always be displayed in a position of honor, which means it should be given the place of prominence and displayed above all other flags. When displaying the US flag with other flags, the order of display is important. According to the US Flag Code, the order of display should be:

  1. US flag
  2. Flags of other nations (in alphabetical order)
  3. Military flags (in order of establishment)
  4. State flags (in order of admission)
  5. Other flags (in order of importance)

When raising and lowering flags, the US flag should always be higher than the other flags. Another nation’s flag must never be flown on the same halyard as the United States flag.

Size of Flags

When displaying the US flag with other flags, it is important to make sure that the size of the flags is in proportion to each other. The US flag should be the largest flag displayed and should be at least the same size as the other flags.

Flags on Same Pole

When displaying the US flag with other flags on the same pole, the US flag should always be at the top.

Flags on Separate Poles

When displaying the US flag with other flags on separate poles, the US flag should be displayed on the right (the viewer’s left) of all other flags. If there are an odd number of flags, the US flag should be in the center.

Half-Staff Display

When the US flag is displayed at half-staff, it should be lowered first and then raised to full staff before any other flags are raised. The US Flag should always be above any other flags. When the US flag is displayed with other flags at half-staff, the other flags must also be flown at half-staff.

On Foreign Soil

In another nation, that nation’s flag may be given a place of honor. But on US soil, the United States flag must hold the place of honor.

In conclusion, displaying the US flag with other flags is an important responsibility and should be done with respect and honor. Following proper flag protocol ensures that all flags are displayed in a dignified and appropriate manner. By teaching our Scouts about the proper protocol for displaying the US flag with other flags, we can instill in them a sense of patriotism and respect for the symbols of our country.

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