An Easy 30 Day Declutter Challenge You Can Start Today!

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Declutter your home with a 30-Day Declutter Challenge! A simple approach to decluttering that will help you open up your space and start getting organized.

30 day declutter challenge

30 Day Declutter Challenge

Ready to start conquering clutter in your home?

The 30-Day Declutter Challenge is designed to help you do a quick declutter of some of the most clutter-prone spaces in a home.

Make this challenge as easy or as intense as you’d like.

You can decide to spend just 10-minutes a day decluttering, or keep working on a space until it’s done.

You may find that you can declutter some areas quickly, and other spaces will take way more time than you have.

That’s okay!

This challenge is designed to help you quickly rotate through the commonly-cluttered spaces in your home, and get rid of things that you don’t use or need.

The goal isn’t to have everything perfectly decluttered.

Instead, you’re removing that “first layer” of clutter that’s easier to get rid of.

Let’s get started!

How to Declutter

how to declutter

For the first day of the challenge, your goal is to go through the house and get rid of anything that’s obviously trash.

It’s a quick and easy way to get rid of the little wrappers, papers, and broken items that have started to blend into the background of your home.

After that, you’ll be more strategic with your decluttering by following these steps:

  1. Empty the area you’re going to declutter and put it somewhere else. Only empty out what you can reasonably go through in your allotted time. So, if you’re working for ten minutes, just remove things from a shelf or a drawer.
  2. Get rid of trash and clean out the space.
  3. Fill a bag or box with things to donate.
  4. Put away things that belong somewhere else in your home.
  5. Put remaining items back into the space.
  6. Make notes about how you might like to better organize the space you just decluttered.

Related: Declutter 101: A Step-By-Step Decluttering Checklist

Declutter Your Home

how to declutter your home

For this decluttering challenge, grab the free printable 30-day declutter plan, and declutter the designated area each day.

If you want to skip around you can!

And if one of the tasks doesn’t apply to you, feel free to make substitutions so the challenge will be more applicable to your situation.

Sign up above to get the decluttering plan of attack delivered to your inbox, and start decluttering today!

30 Day Declutter

30 day declutter

Here’s a list of the 30 day declutter categories for the challenge.

For some of the categories, you can find more specific decluttering tips for that space by clicking on the link.

  1. Trash, broken items
  2. Expired Food
  3. Tops, Shirts
  4. Bottoms, Skirts
  5. Shoes
  6. Accessories
  7. Beauty Items
  8. Expired Medicine
  9. Bath Towels
  10. Kitchen Linens
  11. Kitchen Counters
  12. Silverware
  13. Spices
  14. Pots & Pans
  15. Mugs & Glasses
  16. Plates & Bowls
  17. Freezer
  18. Inside Fridge
  19. Above Fridge
  20. Under Kitchen Sink
  21. Garage
  22. Entry Area
  23. Laundry Room
  24. Toys
  25. Books & Magazines
  26. Paper
  27. Family Room
  28. Junk Drawer
  29. Desk
  30. Craft Supplies

Related: Why You Should Do a Month of Decluttering

Decluttering Tips

decluttering tips

Make decluttering easier by being prepared!

Before you begin decluttering, make sure you have these things:

  • Bags/boxes for trash, items to donate, etc.
  • A basket for items that need to be put away somewhere else in the house
  • Something fun to listen to. You can listen to music, a favorite show, or a podcast.
  • A glass of water to keep you cool and hydrated as you work.

Related: What to Do with Decluttered Items

More Decluttering Ideas

A 30 Day Declutter Challenge You Can Start Today

The post An Easy 30 Day Declutter Challenge You Can Start Today! appeared first on Organizing Moms.

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