5 Collection Letter Templates

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As a small business owner, you know the importance of invoicing and collection letters. Not only do they help you keep track of your sales and receivables, but they can also be an effective tool for collecting money owed to you. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas to help you write effective collection letters, check out the five collection letter samples in this article. Each one is designed to help you get paid on time, every time. Let’s dive in!

What Is a Collection Letter?

A collection letter is a letter sent by a creditor or collection agency to a debtor, typically after the debtor has failed to make a payment on a loan or other debt obligation. The purpose of the letter is to remind the debtor of the outstanding debt and to encourage payment.

collection letter template


How to Write Debt Collection Letters

Collection agencies and creditors often use standard collection letter templates. While these templates can be helpful, it’s important to understand that each debt situation is unique. As such, you’ll need to tailor your collection letters to fit the specific circumstances of the debt.

Here are the steps to help you write effective collection letters:

Step 1: Get to the point

When you’re writing a collection letter, it’s important to get to the point. Be clear about what you want and why you’re writing. There’s no need to beat around the bush or sugarcoat your message.

Step 2: Use a polite, professional tone

While it’s important to be direct, you should also use a polite and professional tone. After all, you’re trying to collect a debt, not make an enemy.

Step 3: Keep it short and sweet

Your collection letter should be short and sweet. No need to write a novel. Just state the facts and get to the point.

Step 4: Make payment easy

Make sure you include clear instructions on how the debtor can make a payment. Include your contact information and any other relevant details.

Step 5: Follow-up

If you don’t receive payment after sending your collection letter, don’t be afraid to follow up. A phone call, personal visit, or follow-up letter may be necessary to get the ball rolling.


Collection Letter Example

Let’s say you’re a small business owner and you’ve just sent out your invoices for the month. A few days go by and you don’t receive payment from one of your customers. You give them a call, but there’s no answer. What do you do next? Send a collection letter, of course!

Here is the first collection letter template you can use:

Dear __________,

I’m writing to remind you that payment on your outstanding balance of $ ______ is past due. I strongly encourage you to make payment as soon as possible to avoid any additional fees or penalties.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at ___________.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Your name

More Effective Collection Letter Examples

Using a collection letter template like the one above is a good start, but you’ll need to do more to get results. Let’s take a look at the second collection letter example that you can use to help you get paid the money you’re owed.

Second Collection Letter Template

The first letter can be effective, but you may need to take a more direct approach to get results. This second collection letter template is designed to do just that.

Dear __________,

We regret to inform you that you have failed to make a payment on the outstanding balance of your owed debt of __________ dollars. Please take immediate action to rectify this situation. Continuing to neglect debt payments can result in many legal penalties, including wage garnishment, legal action, and seizure of assets.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.


Your name



Third Collection Letter Template

Let’s take a look at the third collection letter template that can be used as a last resort. This letter should be used when you have had no success in receiving payments and are looking to make a payment arrangement with your client.

Dear __________,

We regret to inform you that your account with us remains unpaid. Your current balance is $____________ outstanding.

To date, we have not received payment or heard from you regarding payment arrangements. Please take immediate action to rectify this situation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Your name

Fourth Collection Letter Template

This collection letter template reflects that the client has not made any payments in a while, if at all, and that the business has been unable to reach them via phone or mail.

Dear __________,

We regret to inform you that we have not received any payments from you in a while and have been unable to reach you via phone or mail.

We understand that these are difficult times for everyone, but we must insist on payment of the outstanding balance immediately.

Please contact us as soon as possible to make a payment or to discuss arrangements for payment.

Thank you for your understanding.


Your name

Fifth Collection Letter Template

This is a collection letter template that mentions that the client has not made any payments, the business has been unable to reach them by phone or mail, it is a final notice, and legal action may be taken.

Dear __________,

Unfortunately, we have not received any payments from you in several months, and our attempts to reach you by phone or mail have been unsuccessful.

We understand that times can be tough, but we must insist on receiving the outstanding balance of $__,___ immediately.

This is your final notice and we will be forced to take legal action if payment is not received within 7 days.

Thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter.


Your name

Collection Letter Tips

A debt collection letter can be an effective way to collect money owed to you. But there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure your letters are as effective as possible. Here are six tips on creating a collection letter:

Use a template

While you don’t need to use a template, it can be helpful to have a general format to follow. This will ensure that your letters are consistent and professional. A template is also a great tool to use to get your creative juices flowing if you’re struggling to write the letter on your own.

Include all relevant information

Be sure to include all relevant information in your collection letters, such as the amount owed, the date of the debt, and your contact information. This will give the person you’re sending the letter to all the information they need to make a payment.

Be clear

As we mentioned before, it’s important to be clear about what you want and why you’re writing. There’s no need to beat around the bush. Get to the point and make it clear that you expect to be paid.

Be polite and understanding

No one likes to be in debt. So, it’s important to be polite, understanding, and sympathetic to your client’s situation. Especially during times like now, when many people are struggling financially due to inflation, high gas prices, and other economic factors.

Be flexible

Remember, each debt situation is unique. So, be flexible in your approach and tailor your collection letters to fit specific circumstances. No two letters should be exactly the same.

Follow the law

Last but not least, make sure you follow all state and federal laws when sending collection letters. This includes the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which regulates the actions of debt collectors.


What Do You Say In a Collection Letter?

When a debt goes unpaid, the creditor may take legal action to recover the money owed. In a collection letter, the creditor typically threatens to take such action if the debt is not paid. This letter can be a scare tactic to prompt the debtor to pay, or it may be the first step in taking legal action.

What Is a Collections Letter Template?

A collections letter template is a form letter used by debt collectors to demand payment of a debt. The letter typically includes the amount of the debt, the date by which it must be paid, and contact information for the collector. When using a template, make sure to do your due diligence and understand your state’s laws regarding debt collection.

How Do You Customize a Collection Letter Template?

You can customize a collection letter template by adding your company’s information and by personalizing the letter to fit the individual customer’s situation. For example, if the customer has been a good payer in the past but has missed a payment recently, you may want to include a friendly reminder that payment is due soon.

Image: Envato Elements

This article, "5 Collection Letter Templates" was first published on Small Business Trends

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