17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 10 of 52
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Go On A Solo Adventure. Done
A solo adventure to Fair Isle. I don’t think I could have picked a more unique and cozy spot to spend a few weeks. I’m already dreaming of going back.
Take An Adult Education Class Done
The Girl and I took a 3 day British Baking Classics course at King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont and had a good time. Winter in New England can be kind of long… So this class came at just the right time of year.
Revisit An Old Friend.
This goal is a bit of a play on words, but I’m working on it!
Set of 6 Easter Cards by CelebrateLilThings
Send 52 Cards To 52 Different People. {11 of 52 mailed so far}
So far this year I’ve mailed off 11 cards. And as an extra bonus, one of the people I mailed a card to last month is now coming for a visit this summer, and I’m pretty excited about that!
Make 12 Totally British Recipes In The AGA.
Now that I know how to make a hot water crust, I’m looking forward to making some steak and chicken pies in the AGA. Kiln Guy and The Chef are coming for lunch next week… So they can be my taste testers.
Set Aside 200 Items For A Yard Sale {I’ve set aside 8 of 200 items so far}
I didn’t set aside anything for the yard sale this past week. We had a lot going on and well, it just wasn’t a priority. It will be soon though if I plan on hitting my goal of 200 items by the end of April.
Earn $1,493.04 {Last Year’s Grocery Expenses} Selling Totally Random Things Online
So far I’ve sold $167.80 worth of totally random stuff.
Next up will be the crushed egg shells I’ve been collecting for a while now. It turns out crushed eggs shells fetch a pretty penny and are a hot item online as people like to buy them to add extra calcium to their chickens diet.
Why they aren’t doing this themselves with their own eggs is a bit of a mystery to me though.
Sold so far:
- 1 Box of “Native Organically Harvested Maine Driftwood” for $89.95
- 1 Box of 12 Heart Shaped Rocks for 24.95
- 1 box of 6 Heart Shaped Rocks for $22.95
- 1 box of 2 Folgers Coffee Cans for $29.95
*Money earned selling random stuff so far $167.80
* At the end of the year I will deduct all the shipping/supply/selling fees from the grand total.
Go On a Staycation/Craftcation With The Girl
While we did use free hotel points for our entire stay in Vermont, there was no room service nor did we sit in our room all day and work on craft projects so this is still a goal I need to accomplish.
Turn The Craft Room Into a Proper Studio Space
It’s been over two weeks now and I am still in love with the light fixture for the studio that I spotted in a magazine. If I’m going to get it though, I need to sell a big piece {rug} to pay for it. It will happen… Eventually.
Also, while I was trying to get all my patterns drawn, kits packaged and wool dyed by April 1st so I could start working on the craft room, I’ve decided to hold off until May 1st.
This way I know for sure I’ll be able to get all the wool stuff taken care of and be able to spend this summer totally immersed in the garden, canning and fixing up my new studio space. Getting 6 months of backstock though so I can just “pull” orders all summer/fall …that’s the hard part.
Changes I plan on making to the space:
- Rip out the old gross carpet and replace it with pine floors
- Fresh paint
- A proper light fixture
- New serger
- New work table
- A sitting area with a spot to hook
Hook 100 Rugs {38 of 100 done so far}
I finished 2 new rugs last week. One was a special order that I need to turn into a pillow and the other one will be included in my May 6th update of finished pieces.
Create 15 New Rug Hooking Patterns 10 of 15 completed so far}
New patterns I’ve added to my Etsy shop in 2023:
- Fair Isle Sheep
- Olde Hares
- Antique Hearts and Flowers
- Fat Cat with Easter Eggs
- Fat Cat with Shamrocks
- Fat Cat with Hearts
- Horse and Hearts
- Valentine Kitties
- Little Chicken
- Hit and Miss Flower Basket
Grow 1,000 Pounds of Vegetables In The Commune Sized Garden
We’re still living in a frozen tundra and I haven’t completely sorted my seeds by planting date yet. I suppose I better hop to it.
Empty The Canning Cupboard / Fill The Canning Cupboard
There was no movement in the canned goods department last week because I was out of town but I’m working on a plan for next week.
Make $500 Selling Plants, Flowers or Vegetables
I am actively collecting appropriate sized glass containers {not Weck jars!} for this summer’s flower sales. Other than that, there isn’t much to report for this goal yet.
Buy 12 Handmade Items {From 12 Different Artists} 2 down, 10 to go
So far this year I have bought from Rachel of Barkland Croft and had my friend Zoë turn all my fabric squares into 2 quilts for me. I love supporting crafty people who love what they do!
Update Every Single Recipe On The Blog To A Printable Format
This past week I updated a chocolate cake recipe to a printable format;
26 Official Date Days With My Handsome Husband {3 down, 23 to go}
- Date #1 Thomaston Cafe for lunch. It was lovely.
- Date #2 Rising Tide Co-Op
- Date #3 Oysterhead Pizza
How about YOU? How are you coming along with your goals for this year?
Have a great day everyone,
The post 17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 10 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.