17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 1 of 52
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Go On A Solo Adventure.
Mostly, I am crazy excited about my solo adventure. Like 98% excited about it. The other 2% is nervous energy about things out of my control and decisions that will have to be made at the last minute on the fly.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
Take An Adult Education Class.
A bread making class or something artsy might be kind of cool, then again something totally out there {belly dancing – which would never happen!} might be kind of interesting too.
Curling lessons. I hear curling is kind of a thing here in Maine. That might be something to look into. Any ideas?
Revisit An Old Friend.
This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now, but only now have the time to do properly. {More on this goal later.}
Bunny card by Etsy seller: ilikesara
Send 52 Cards To 52 Different People.
I think I’ll start with Valentines.
Make 12 Totally British Recipes In The AGA.
This of course is if I actually get my AGA this year.
Set Aside 200 Items For A Yard Sale
I plan on going through all my kitchen stuff this week and weed out anything that won’t fit in the AGA {that’s supposed to be here in May} and see if The Girl wants it and if she doesn’t, toss it in a box for the yard sale later this summer.
Kitchens are always a good place to start.
Earn $1,493.04 {Last Year’s Grocery Expenses} Selling Totally Random Things Online
Well, I’m off to a good start! I sold a box of driftwood. Just wait until you see what I plan on listing this friday!!!
Sold so far:
- 1 Box of “Native Organically Harvested Maine Driftwood for $89.95
* At the end of the year I will deduct all the shipping/supply/selling fees from the grand total.
Go On a Staycation/Craftcation With The Girl
Holing up somewhere to work on crafts and ordering room service for a few days seems like a totally fun thing to strive for don’t you think? The only rule is, the hotel has to be free {presumably with credit card points.} And there will be matching flannel pajamas.
Turn The Craft Room Into a Proper Studio Space
Does anyone know anything about sergers? I’ve been using a Brother 1034D serger for the past 5-7 years and I am ready to upgrade to something quicker and more industrial like.
I literally just want something that will nicely {and quickly} surge around the edges of my rug hooking fabric {heavy linen} and that’s it. I’ve heard good things about Juki sergers but that’s about it.
- Rip out the old gross carpet and replace it with pine floors
- Fresh paint
- A Proper Light Fixture
- New Serger
- New Work Table
Hook 100 Rugs
I’ll do a final count at the end of the month but here’s one I just finished. It’s my version of an antique rug. It’s a little off center and quirky with all its hearts and the wonky flower and I just love it. It looks old and imperfect. Just the way I like ’em.
Create 15 New Rug Hooking Patterns
I’m off to a good start!
New patterns I’ve added to my Etsy shop in 2023:
- Antique Hearts and Flowers
- Fat Cat with Hearts
- Horse and Hearts
- Valentine Kitties
- Little Chicken
- Hit and Miss Flower Basket
Grow 1,000 Pounds of Vegetables In The Commune Sized Garden
If only I had a greenhouse…
Empty The Canning Cupboard / Fill The Canning Cupboard
We seem to be a little heavy on the ketchup right now. I wonder if I can add it to beef stew? Hmmm.
Make $500 Selling Plants, Flowers or Vegetables
The Duck Lady said I could bring any plants, flowers or vegetables to her stand and sell them there this summer. I’ll probably start with tulips or French breakfast radishes.
Buy 12 Handmade Items {From 12 Different Artists}
Hopefully I’ll have something to show you soon.
Update Every Single Recipe On The Blog To A Printable Format
Recipes updated so far: 0
26 Official Date Days With My Handsome Husband
- Date #1 Thomaston Cafe for lunch. It was lovely.
How about YOU? How are you coming along with your goals for this year? Have you made them yet? If not, HOP TO IT!!!
The post 17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 1 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.