15 Sorority Rush Week Tips You Need To Know Before Recruitment | Sorority Recruitment Do’s And Don’ts
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Sorority recruitment week can get really overwhelming and stressful. First off, I want to say no matter what, everything will work out the way it's supposed to! You're going to get so annoyed with how many times you hear "trust the process" but every girl that has gone through rush will tell you it's so true.
With that being said, there are some do's and don'ts when going through sorority recruitment.
From someone who has gone through rush at The University of Alabama, here are 15 tips that will make your rush experience the smoothest it can be!
Sorority Rush Week Tips: Do's
1. Do: Take Notes After Each House
One of my biggest tips for sorority recruitment week is to take notes after each house. Trust me, after a long day of rush, houses will start to blend together.
Write down who you talked to, what you talked about or just how the house made you feel after leaving. These notes will be so important when it comes time to decide what houses you want to keep.
2. Do: Keep An Open Mind
Keeping an open mind is so so important when going into rush week. The truth is no house is "good" or "bad" they are all just different!
Going in with an open mind and not focusing on going one certain house will make your rush experience a lot less stressful and can save you from disappointment if the house you thought you wanted drops you.

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3. Do: Trust The Process
I'm telling you right now you are going to hear this phrase a million times during your sorority rush week and you're going to get really tired of it. So I'll say it first... TRUST THE PROCESS.
The girls in the house and Panhellenic have spent years perfecting the rush process and they know what they're doing. It may seem disappointing at first if you get dropped from a house you liked but the girls rushing you know their house best and if they don't see you as a fit don't take it personally! There is a reason for everything and you WILL end up in the house that is perfect for you.
4. Do: Make Sure You Have All The Rush Essentials
Trust me... your'e going to want to read this post. These items are things you do NOT want to forget during rush week.
{RELATED POST: 15 Sorority Rush Essentials | Items You Definitely Need During Sorority Rush This Year}
5. Do: Get Close With Your Rho Chi (Or Whatever Your School Calls Them)
Every school has a different name for them but your rho chi will be your best friend during rush. These girls are basically your rush counselors that have disassociated from their sorority to help you through the process.
They are completely unbiased and are a great resource for all questions or advice during rush. I'm still friends with my rho chi to this day!
6. Do: Talk To Everyone
Everyone is going through the same thing during rush and everyone needs a friend to talk to! Talk to anyone and everyone during rush.
You never know if you are talking to a potential sister or new friend!
7. Do: Be Yourself
Be yourself during rush week. You want to find a house that loves you for YOU so don't act like someone you're not during rush!
That being said...there are some topics you want to stay away from. The biggest two are boys and partying. Rush is a time to get to know the girls in the house and their philanthropy. Talking about how excited you are to meet the guys at the frats and party with them is not a good look. Just stay away from these topics and your'e good!
8. Do: Ask Questions
Make sure to ask the girls in the house questions too! This will make your interaction more of a conversation rather than an interview.
Plus the girls in the house will love getting a break from coming up with questions to ask after doing it all day. Trust me they will appreciate it.
Sorority Rush Week Tips: Don'ts
9. Don't: Talk Bad About Houses
Talking bad about a house or openly talking about how you didn't like it is a BIG no no.
Not only does this make you look bad which could get back to other houses, you also never know who LOVED the house you didn't like. So just stick to writing your opinions in your notebook .
10. Don't: Party During Rush
I think this one is kind of a given but don't party during rush week. Not only will it look bad on you, you will also feel like crap the next day which would be totally miserable.
11. Don't: Check Greek Rank
If you don't know what this is already, good. If you do, I'm telling you right now to stop. I'm not going to lie I looked at it for my school too. But seriously it is sooo inaccurate and not worth your time. Just don't check it!
12. Don't: Wear Revealing Clothes
I'm all for a good crop top but sorority rush week isn't the time for revealing clothes! This can make you look unprofessional and is also really uncomfortable for you.
You don't want to be pulling your dress down all day flashing anyone lol. Just be mindful when picking outfits!
I just wrote this post on sorority recruitment outfits that would be PERFECT for rush week.
{RELATED POST: Trendy + Cute Sorority Rush Outfits That Will Make Sure You Stand Out}
13. Don't: Post Questionable Things On Social Media
Months before rush, girls will be looking at your social media! Basically anything you wouldn't want your boss or grandparents to see, don't post. Be mindful of what you post and how this could reflect on you.
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14. Don't: Talk To Actives During Rush Week
Some schools are different but for the most part, talking to actives during the week of rush OUTSIDE of formal recruitment isn't allowed.
This means meeting up in the days during rush week, snapchatting or texting actives. The reason this isn't allowed is so that every girl gets an equal and fair amount of time with each house.
Actives usually are not allowed to contact you either so just don't answer!
15. Don't: Be Afraid To Tell Random Stories
This is kind of a random tip but honestly one of my favorites. Don't be afraid to tell a random story or bring up a random topic. During rush you will find a lot of the conversations are the same.
Bringing up a random topic or telling a funny story will make you stand out and will be fun to talk about something other than your major or hometown.
This post was all about the sorority rush week tips.
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The post 15 Sorority Rush Week Tips You Need To Know Before Recruitment | Sorority Recruitment Do’s And Don’ts appeared first on By Sophia Lee.